Importance of up-to-date valuations How to Navigate to a fruitful exit
When a Multiple of 6 is really a 4
and what that means for Value
How can you normalize EBITDA?
What does it mean to you?
The Secret Sauce to Creating Value
How Much Do You Really Have?
Are you one of the perpetual '5-ers'?
When will you exit your business?
What's going on with the workforce & the Lower Middle Marketplace?
How does your Accountant think
In regards to your Company's Value
Who is your ideal buyer?
Meet Charlie
How It Works
Our Process
It's time to face the truth. If you don't plan your exit correctly, you could end up working until you die. Your journey to a successful sale and increasing the value of your business by 30-50% starts with taking our Exit Valuation Survey. This tells us exactly where you are now, the exact performance of your business, and what you need to do to improve. You can access your buyer Risk Report and speak to our analyst team on a complimentary call to discuss your results, increasing value and exit options.
Discover how your business scores in
the 7 key drivers of valuation
Understand the risks a buyer sees
when valuing your specific business
Implement the "7 Pillars Of Value Creation" and increase your business value
Getting out of a Business: Time vs. Value
7 Federal Street
MA 01923
Phone : 617-EXIT-111 (617-394-8111)
Email : [email protected]
Web :
*The Lower Middle Market is comprised of businesses worth $5-$30 million, typically having EBITDA of $1 million - $4 million.
The 7 Pillars of Value Creation is our name for our work as Business brokerage services and related consulting pertaining to business sales, mergers, acquisitions and business valuation. Exit The Family Business the downloadable guide and any accompanying assets or affiliates are provided for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide tax, accounting or legal advice, nor is it an offer or solicitation to buy or sell, an endorsement or sponsorship of any company, security or fund. Certain owners, officers or affiliates may be associated with investment firms and may make referrals from time to time for such services, but this does not constitute investment advice, nor should it be construed as Exit The Family Business being in that business. We always suggest you seek professional advice. Past results are not a guarantee of future results.